Our Communities

Check for Coverage in Your Area

Data Stream is dedicated to providing the best service to our communities. We do this through membership in Chamber of Commerce Associations, charitable contributions, and partnership with school districts.

Fauquier County

Data Stream is rapidly expanding coverage and services throughout Fauquier County. We will continue to provide updates as we launch new service areas and formalize our future build plans..

Spotsylvania County

Data Stream Broadband launches New 5G capable broadband service in the Belmont and Wilderness area!

In partnership with Spotsylvania County, Data Stream is currently working to quickly expand broadband services and coverage to unserved and under served areas throughout the county. We are excited to announce the launch of our New 5G capable service in the Belmont and Wilderness Areas. To see if we can provide service to your home in these areas please visit our Sign Up page and enter your address.

Contact Us

Our Corporate Office

1535 S Perimeter Rd #36B
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

PH: (877) 303-8956

Customer Service

Customer Service

Customer Service Hours:
9:00AM – 9:00PM EST M-F
9AM – 5PM Saturday


Field Service Hours:
9:00AM – 5:00PM EST  M-F

Data Stream Network Operations monitors the network performance 24x7x365. Should you report a service issue after standard support hours, operations personnel will work to resolve your issue remotely. If resolution requires a technician be dispatched to your location we will schedule this for the following day.

PH: (877) 303-8956